22 July 2006

Preliminary Disclaimer

In starting this whole blog thing, I don't really know what I'’m trying to accomplish. I'’d like to think that something I say here would be considered insightful or even incredibly profound, but in all actuality, I doubt very much that it will become anything more than a meager collection of my thoughts and asides about the very small portion of creation that is my existence. I'’m at a time in my life that is dynamic--—things are changing rapidly around me, and I suppose that I am changing, too, but I can'’t point to any single thing that has bloomed within me, or that has even become aware of a greater purpose to blooming in the first place.

I suppose, by way of bullet-point, I could describe myself, my interests, goals, beliefs, likes and dislikes, and if they were clear in my mind I would probably try. As they are not (and as very few are interested that I like peanut butter ice cream and canÂ’t stand the sound of the word "yolk") I'll forgo all that and say instead that I am most beautiful under a night sky, most kind in my silence, most creative at 3 a.m., and most grumpy any time before noon.

I'm usually in college (taking a summer off currently) and I'm always in a book. I'm intrigued by other people's questions, and I find other questions usually answer my own quite accidentally. I love to see the world in perspectives, and I kind of make my own commentary as I go along. In all my observation, I can'’t decide if I am making my world smaller or larger with all that I do. I don'’t know if it has lost its intrigue or if I am making it more mysterious, but I regard the universe, at times, with the same sort of curiosity a woman studies her lover--—she pursues him and learns him, and all the while she knows more of him, the more perplexing he becomes. Understanding of him is just beyond her clasp, and she is more beautiful in her search for him.

I don't know what purpose I'm striving for in this--I don't have a goal to journal, changes to catalog, or difficulties to overcome. I suppose that in a way, this space is just another way for me to gain perspective on my world, as small as it is, and as Don Miller quotes Tom Arnold in Searching for God Knows What, "the reason [I write] is because I wanted something out there so people would tell me they liked me. It's the reason behind almost everything I do" (116).
So ignoring the fact that I halfway did an MLA in-text citation just now, that's about as honest my reasons for writing can be. I'll probably chronicle a lot in here, but basically, the largest part of all of it will be hoping that it makes sense to someone, perhaps even myself, and that somebody will like it.

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